Bringing People Together Through Food

Welcome, dear readers, to a heartwarming journey through the communal embrace of harvesting—where the land feeds not just the body but the soul of a family. In this edition, we'll unravel the beauty of cultivating connections and shared experiences around the harvest. So, come along, take a seat at our virtual table, and let's dive into the heart of the harvest season.

A Family Affair: Harvesting with our Five Kids

In our small patch of earth, harvesting isn't just a job—it's a family adventure! Picture five happy pairs of little hands, each belonging to our amazing kiddos, dancing through the garden rows. Imagine the giggles and laughter as they explore the wonders of nature. Harvesting, for us, isn't just about picking veggies; it's about growing a love for the land and teaching values like hard work and gratitude.

Kiddo #2 & #3 with pure joy in their first harvest!

Where Everyday Moments Spark Joy

As we wander through our green haven, stories come to life at every turn—like finding the very first carrot peeking through the soil, discovering a hidden cucumber nestled among the vines, or sharing laughter and secrets between the blossoms. Our family harvest embraces more than just the bountiful veggies we collect; it's a cherished collection of small, magical moments that resonate deeply in our hearts. These moments mirror the enchanting tales found in our favorite storybooks—simple, heartwarming, and brimming with love.

In our garden, it's not just about growing veggies; it's about growing character. Those little hands picking tomatoes are learning about responsibility and patience. They're understanding that the journey from seed to table is a team effort. In our family garden, we harvest more than just veggies; we grow lessons in teamwork, gratitude, and the magical connection between us and nature.

January 2024: A Fresh Start and Seedling Dreams

Now, in the heart of January, as winter blankets our garden in a gentle chill (no snow yet though), our thoughts turn to the promise of a new season. The buzz of excitement fills the air as we eagerly anticipate the upcoming planting season. Soon, tiny hands that once cradled harvested veggies will carefully place the tender seed starts into the soil, eagerly setting the stage for another beautiful cycle of growth, joy, and shared moments in our beloved garden.


Big Garden Goals