Getting Started with Off-Grid Living

Did you just wake up one day and say, “Life should be simpler.” Me too. Embarking on the journey of self-sufficiency and sustainability is both rewarding and challenging. Whether you're dreaming of a secluded cabin in the woods, an off-grid oasis in the desert, or just stuck in the middle of a corn field in Wisconsin, getting started requires thoughtful planning and practical considerations.


As we embarked on our initial journey, we made the best of what we had—a house on a couple of acres with a growing family. Being surrounded by our extended family in central Wisconsin was crucial, even though the geography posed challenges. The winter sun didn't linger as long, and the extra energy needed for heating was a drawback. However, our strong family values kept us rooted here. But if you're open to exploring any location for your off-grid adventure, consider these tips:

  • Conduct thorough research on climate, soil, and local regulations.

  • Evaluate proximity to water sources and sunlight for gardening.

  • Seek insights from experienced off-grid communities when choosing the ideal location.

When venturing into off-grid living, having the right tools and equipment is paramount for a self-sufficient lifestyle. Start by investing in reliable solar panels and battery systems to ensure a consistent power supply. Outback (is by far) one of the most reliable brands that specializes in solar products, including charge controllers, inverters, and other solar-related accessories. The WHOLE package! I know, it’s a big price tag but so is buying junk that doesn’t work in a year. So if you can’t afford the entire setup at first, utilize them and figure out what a good stepping stone would be.

Depending on what your vision of off-grid living is, you should also figure your water situation. Are you relying on a well, tapping into a rustic river, or opting for rainwater collection? What methods align with your location and values? As for cooking, are you leaning towards the efficiency of rocket stoves or the sustainability of solar cookers? Or do you not want to think about any of it and stick with a normal well-pump? Then how much energy does it take?

In our off-grid well system, which we call Amish 2.0, we use a hydraulic pump powered by air to bring water up from the well. This innovative method allows us to access water without depending on conventional electricity, although it does need regular monitoring. With a family as large as ours—5 kids and 2 adults—we go through a significant amount of water, making this unique system a vital part of our daily lives.

(If you know anything about windmills or aerators - we would love to pick your brain! Send us an email at


Embarking on an off-grid lifestyle is a journey filled with discovery and self-reliance. By selecting the right location, acquiring essential tools, and embracing sustainable energy practices, you're laying the foundation for a fulfilling off-grid experience. Stay tuned for more insights on our off-grid living blog as we share our personal experiences and lessons learned along the way!


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