The Turning Point

Back in 2010, a significant change happened. My husband installed solar panels. It was an exciting start to a journey that would lead us to off-grid living. Our goal is to adopt more sustainable practices for the well-being of the environment.

Initially, it was a win-win situation. We could generate extra electricity and send it back to the electric company, contributing to a greener environment. However, the excitement faded a few years in when the electric company quit paying penny for penny and undervalued the power we were sending. Why invest all the time and money striving for a greener lifestyle when it ends up costing us more “green”?

In 2021, we decided to take more control over our energy situation. We invested in gel batteries to store the solar power we generated. We reconfigured our system so that one set of solar panels sent power to the electric company, while the other stored power for us. It seemed like a smart move, but once again the electric company responded by increasing our fees and treating us hostile.

Frustrated with this roadblock and inspired to expand our home, we made a big decision in 2023. We moved to a different kind of house—an Amish house. This house doesn't rely on the regular electric grid. This change meant saying goodbye to the electric company and embracing a new way of living without the grid as a safety net.

Adapting to our off-grid lifestyle took some time. We had to adjust how we used electricity and learn to appreciate the value of every watt our solar panels produced. However, the challenges were outweighed by the freedom and control we gained. No more worrying about high bills or power outages during storms (pretty often where we were at). It felt like having our own reliable sunshine superhero.

Looking back, we are so proud of our decision to go off-grid. The solar panels that started it all became the heroes of our home. Our story is about facing challenges, finding solutions, and discovering the joy of living off the grid. It's not just about electricity; it's a lifestyle choice aligned with our values to slow down, and be more present with our family and the only planet we got. Committing to progress, we understand that even small steps contribute to a larger eco-friendly journey.

As we look to the future, we're committed to our solar-powered life. We want to share our story to inform and inspire others who might be considering off-grid living. It’s not about giving up everything your used to; it's about making choices that resonate with what we believe in. Our hope is that our story provides insights and encourages others to embark on their own solar journey, embracing a sustainable and independent way of living. Feel free to share where you are in your journey by leaving a comment!


Getting Started with Off-Grid Living